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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  August 8, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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the last straw. president obama cancels a one- on-one meeting with russian president vladimir putin. >> what the president is saying. >> hi, everybody. i'm mary bubala. >> i'm kai jackson. here's what everybody is talking about. >> less than a week after russia grants asylum to edward snowden, president obama says he will not meet one on one with russian president vladimir putin next month. >> reporter: russia granting temporary asylum to edward snowden was not the only reason president obama called off next month's meeting with vladimir putin. but it may have been the last straw. >> we have a lot of fish to
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fry, if you will, with the russians. we have a lot of issues to engage with the russians. >> reporter: the political snub is the first time in decades an american president has canceled a publicly-announced meeting with the russian leader. >> i think the portrayal of washington is this is kind of a tit for tat. >> they haven't been seeing eye on eye on a range. issues. and this wasn't the right time for a meeting. >> reporter: putin reclaimed the presidency. u.s. russian policy expert says this isn't a permanent. >> i think it signals that we've reached kind of a pause. that a lot of the momentum that we saw during president obama's first term in office issue has pretty much run its course. >> republicans are applauding president obama for ditching
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the talks. now they're pushing to complete the free trade agreement with europe, two things the russians oppose. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry and defense secretary chuck hagel still plan to meet with their russian counterparts in washington tomorrow. a howard county man who is convicted of burying his wife under a shed learns his fate. >> robert garrett, sr., was found guilty of second-degree murder in april and will spend 30 years behind bars. his wife's body was found 21 years after she disappeared. the judge called jarrett, quote, a monster hiding behind the softness of skin "end quote. we'll have more coming up at 5:00 and 6:00. the whitemarsh woman on trial for hiring a hitman to kill hear husband took the
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stand. karla porter said, quote, i knew ray was going to kill me. and i just wanted to kill him first. prosecutorsprosecutors said that william ray porter was killed at a hess gas station. karla porter faces life in prison without parole. help may be on the way for all the families of the 19 firefighters killed battling a wildfire in arizona. carter evans has the latest for we'll. -- for wjz. >> reporter: when the yarnle fires scorched more than 8,000 acres of arizona wilderness, it claimed the lives of 19 members of the granite mountain hot shots. at the time, their families were assured they would be taken care of. but more than a month after the tragedy, one of the widows says the city of prescott is not keeping that promise. >> it is a terrible tragedy. and the bigger tragedy is in
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the fact that the people that can make it right report making it right. >> reporter: the ashcrafts are one of 13 families denied lifetime benefits by the city, because their relatives were considered "seasonal" employeeless. >> he worked full-time hours, had a full-time responsibility, had a full-time salary. >> reporter: arizona lawmakers announced a draft bill that would grant full-time state employee benefits to any first responders who dies on state land. it would be retroactive to june 30th, meaning it would apply to all families of the hot shots. >> if they're making on working that right, bless them. >> reporter: among ashcraft supporters is brendan mcdonogh, the only hot spot who survived. he and others are hopeful that the state of arizona will follow through on its promise of benefits. an exciting day at the inner harbor. the world's largest
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reproduction of a pacific coral reef is now on display at the national aquarium. wjz is live at the black reef exhibit. jessica kartalija has more on what makes this so special. >> reporter: kai, i don't even know where to begin. there are 65 different species here at black tip reef. 20 different black-tip sharks. we're told there will be four different kinds of sharks in here. three different kinds of sting rays. i could go on and on with all the numbers. it's been so exciting out here. people have been coming all day from literally all over, just to participate in the grand opening. ♪ [ music ] >> five, four, three, two, one. [ cheering ] >> reporter: the mayor and aquarium ceo float into shark- infested water for the official ribbon cutting. >> it warms my heart. i'm excited to be here.
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>> black-tip reef is really one of the first major enhancements to the aquarium in a number of years. and it just felt right to do it on our birthday, our 32nd an versary. >> reporter: it is full of light, color and movement, right in the heart of the national aquarium. >> seeing it look so beautiful is a nice edition. >> that is crush. >> that is crush, isn't it? >> reporter: this is home to a new 500-pound sea turtle, sharks, sting rays and hundreds of brightly-colored fish. >> it's kind of exciting for us to be able to see all of this. >> reporter: the 260,000-gallon indoor salt water tank is a coral-filled exhibit. an exact replica of the indo pacific reef. the staff spent months constructing replicas of nearly 50 different species of coral.
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then painting them the same hue you might find in the great deep. >> people have been coming all day as i mentioned. and we've seen people coming in waves, absolutely packed earlier today. but i have to tell you, we were just talking about this. when there were so many people, it was so hot and humid in here with all of this water, just like it is outside. now, meteorologist tim williams is with the wjz mobile weather unit and bob turk is in the weather center. let's go to straight to -- straight to bob. >> it's beautiful tropical out there. we have scattered showers developing around the region. a few spots saw some heavy downpours. just in the last hour. eastern baltimore county, up toward harford county. good thundershower moved through that region. it's now out of the area. we have one near joppa, and one near delta and conowingo, moving into southern portions of pennsylvania. further to the west, there are still more showers developing. a few more now, not too far
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from washington. some of them may affect our region in the next couple of hours. so if you're heading out tonight, yeah, plan yourself for scattered showers and thunderstorm activity. could see some heavy downpours from time to time in some areas as we saw last night. plenty of clouds around. and some breaks in the cloud cover, have created some instability. and that's creating these scattered showers. 85 now, with a dew point way up at 71. 87 if washington. in the mid- to upper 70s in oakland and cumberland. they've had showers there and a lot more cloud cover. tim is out at the national aquarium with the wjz mobile weather lab. tim? >> well, bob. this is pretty much a theme. you talked about how it does feel tropical outside. let me show you why. here at the wjz mobile weather lab. we're looking at temperatures, just around 86 degrees will relative humidity at 63. but the dew point is the key here. 72.5. we always talk about how the dew point above 65 or stow, starts to feel tropical, humid,
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and muggy. and that's how we're feeling now, here at 92.5. let's talk about the showers bob talked aboutuffing in for the rest of this evening and tomorrow. we could see some showers. the jet stream has moved well to our north. that allows for temperatures and dew points and moisture to all start coming in from the southwest. it will mean that we keep these temperatures going to an upward trend. we'll be in the mid- to upper 80s for much of the next five days. and that also means instability. it means a chance for showers. unfortunately, it also means a chance for thunderstorms. we'll continue to keep you posted here and monitor it from the wjz mobile weather lab. for now, we're sending it back inside to the real tropics wjessica kartalija, at the -- with jessica kartalija, at the national aquirium -- aquarium, black tip reef. >> reporter: this would be a good year to come in here to check it out with all of that weather. i also have to say, in addition to all of the sharks and the activity going on here. the behind the scenes is what
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is so exciting. and much more on that coming up today at 4:30. i'm going to talk all about the coral. how they got the sharks used to the fish. they can't just throw them all in at the same time. that's coming up at 4:30. and i also need to mention, in addition to the charts, one of the big draws here is the nemos and dories in here. and i know kristy, you have two little ones. you know exactly what timetalking about. >> i absolutely know what you're talking about. my kids are huge fans of crush the turtle. we'll definitely be visiting the aquarium soon. a lot of delays on northbound 95. watch for heavy traffic from 32 to 195. then it continues along from 395 to emerton road in the harford county area. traffic only moving about 18 miles an hour. top side inner loop, stop and go there. west side inner loop, watch for brake lights there from 895 past liberty road. and a couple of complications.
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one gas main break that has westbound liberty closed at druid park hill drive. and one at north pulaski highway and south eaton. scattered traffic on the beltway. this is brought to you by al packer. for the best service, selection and value, visit al packer ford. before you buy, price tacker. back to you. kristy, thank you. well, three lucky tickets. we now know who one of the winners is of the $448 million power ball jackpot. one ticket was sold in minnesota. and a short time ago, paul white came forward to claim his check for $149 million. the before-taxes share of his winnings. the other two tickets were sold in new jersey. sold here in maryland. in calvert county. we don't know who that winner
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is. the winning numbers are 5, 25, 30, 58, 59. the power ball was 32. kai, i listened to the -- i saw the press conference with paul white. he's so funny. he's from the midwest. >> grew up in wisconsin. >> and he kind of was leaning back. and he was really casual. and he said, you know, it's a nice cushion. but we're going to stay the same. and they both didn't know if they were going to go work the next day. >> wow. happy for them. sincerely. it's cool. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. crazy crash. a car goes straight into a liquor store. the latest on the investigation. massive fire reaches five alarmless. and more than 100 firefighters respond. now the search for a cause. battle against drivers. the unique way many drivers are documenting their rides for protection. and a sticky day out there. lots of events going on
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downtown. will the weather cooperate? bob turk has the updated first warning weather forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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it's partly sunny, humid. and 85 degrees in central maryland. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. a car crashes into a liquor store in illinois, leaving two people hurt. a driver went flying through the front window in highland mark and then caught fire. one of the workers suffered smoke inhalation. the driver and worker were both taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. the cause is under investigation. more than 100 firefighters are called out to battle a massive five alarm fire. about 12 homes nearby had to be evacuated. and a few others were damaged. crews were able to get the fire
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under control. there were no injuries but the cause remains under investigation. in parts of the nation's mid midsection, flash flood watches and marijuanaings. as lindsey davis rapids, more are expected. they are expecting for rain. this is the kind of flood devastation they woke up to. >> i know oned in lost his vehicle, lost everything. >> reporter: in waynesville, a couple of hours southwest of st. louis, a 4-year-old child was swept away. tossens were out. >> we've had damage and flooding done to some of the locals in the county, where people had to be rescued.
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>> snarled traffic. evacuate if there is any concern. go to another friend's us hoto get to higher ground. and a woman remains missing in missouri. believed to be the mother of the boy rushing away. authorities say the search for her will resume with conditions allow. can wall street rebound after a rough week? all the markets finish up for the first time this week. dow was down 28. s&p up 7. nasdaq up 15. let's go to new york right now, where marlie hall has tonight's cbs money watch update. markets got a boost today, after encouraging news about unemployment. the labor department says the average number of americans filing for first-time claims is at its lowest level in almost
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six years. more personnel changes at blackberry. the struggling smart phone maker announced three of its vice presidents are leaving the company. the news comes just two weeks after blackberry laid off 250 workers. back-to-school shoppers are sticking to necessities and looking for deals. retailers experienced only a 3.8% rise in sales last month. the slowest pace since march. american outfitter all reported disappointing figures. three people get to split a whopping $448 million after winning the fourth largest power ball history in history. last night, the prices doubled to $2. and the jackpot skyrocketed. they will also have a top prize of $590 million in may. that's your money watch. for more headlines, go to
4:20 pm in new york, i'm marlie hall. the smithsonian is welcoming its own edigs. take a electric. these are two rare sumatran tiger cubs. so far, she is being a great mom and nursing both of the little ones. unfortunately, if you don't visit the zoo, you won't see the cute cubs just yet. they will not be exhibited publicly for a couple of monthses. >> and another reason to go down there. coming up on wjz's eyewitness news at 4:00. stand by attorneys. staying on. the ruling from the judge in the trial of the fort hood shooting suspect. which car is the safest? the results of the newest crash test. a muggy day out there, with lots of clouds. maybe a little sun out there. bob turk will update the first warning weather forecast. as we have been showing you, a big day for the national aquarium at the black tip
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reeving -- reefing just opens. ,
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welcome back, everyone.
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i'm jessica kartalija, live here at the national aquarium. i have to tell you, we have this bright light behind me. and the sharks love it. this is my buddy here today. nothing like working alongside a shark. for the latest on the weather forecast, i'm going to send it inside to bob. >> thank you. beautiful in there. really, really going to be a great exhibit. all right. we have scattered showers around. we'll show you those in a minute. take a look at the temperatures. it's tropical in there and outside. 85 now with the dew point up to 71. 85 actually feels like 89. humidity, 63%. north winds at 7. the barometer, falling a little bit. 29.99 inches. right now, a little batch of showers developed east of the city, across baltimore and harford county. that's moved now into chester county, p.a. for the most part, they dissipated. one little shower there, near the edgewood area, but moving away. another batch here, martinsburg, harpers ferry, notice down to d.c. this is all moving off to the east/northeast. if it continues, i'm thinking
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between maybe 6:30 and 8:00, when you see the shower activity, crossing our region. so any time this evening around the dinner hour, we'll have scattered shower and thunderstorm activity. some had heavy downpours as we saw last night. sykesville had over 3 inches of rain. while south of us, only 14/100ths of an inch. most places yesterday afternoon, north of the city and last night, had between 1 to 2 inches of rain. 75 in oakland. quen, hot -- 87. hot in d.c. 78 in ocean city. and locally, temperatures still in the mid-80s, unless you had a shower. southerly winds continue to bring this moist, humid air. it will be with us. it looks like now, we may get a break on saturday. a lot of rain as you see there in the midwest. particularly over missouri. scattered showers and storms to the west of us. we do via -- have a chance tonight of getting some of this activity to the region. but behind it, there is a frontal system that we think now may actually get to our region saturday, and get just far enough south. so from baltimore north, some
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dryer air moves in. the humidity gets suppressed. and the shower chances are reduced somewhat. south of us, good chance. eastern shore, good chance. at least saturday into sunday. southwest winds, 10 knots. on the bay, small craft advisory. tonight only, bay temp, around 77. scattered showers and thunderstorms yes. tonight's low, a warm, humid 72. tomorrow, more chances of scattered showers. and could be some heavy downpours. tomorrow's high, back up to 87 degrees. >> all right, bob. thank you. well, we are following breaking news now in baltimore county. a possible suspicious substance found there. let's go live to captain jeff long, above it in sky eye chopper 13. captain jeff? >> this is in perry hall, in this community are a suspicious substance found inside of a mailbox. so baltimore county, police and fire did respond. they also called in their hazmat team. this happened about 3:43 today. and at this point, we don't know if there are any evacuations. but there are quite a few of
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the residents of this community out on the sidewalk here at perry hall. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> we will continue to follow that breaking news. preparations are under way for a final goodbye to beloved former colt art donovan. artie's funeral is tomorrow at the cathedral of mary our queen. begins at 11:00 a.m. and you can continue to watch the service on wjz or and still to come at 4:00. a massive wildfire continues to burn in california. the latest on efforts to put it out. manhunt expands for a man wanted for killing a woman, and possibly her son and then kidnapping her teenage daughter. i'm jessica kartalija. live here at the national aquarium for the brand new opening of black tip reef. much more live coming up. eyewitness news at 4:30, with denise and vic is right after
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it's 4 clng 30. 85 degrees. partly cloudy in central maryland. >> i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about. a fast-moving wildfire grows in southern california, forcing thousands to flee from their homes and injuring at least five people, including 40 firefighters. bigad shaban has the latest for wjz. >> reporter: the wildfire has burned more than 15 square miles in just 24 hours. steve chittenton used his own garden hose to keep the flames from his home. more than half of the nine acres is already charred. including his small barn. >> what is that like? to literally fight for your house? >> it's sarey. i'm really close to retirement. it would be just a sad thing to lose my house and start over again. >> reporter: thousands of firefighters are scrambling to build fire tanks. while many douse from above.
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at least 1500 resident have been forced from their homes. >> the wildfire gusted up to 25 miles per hour. >> reporter: the fire has destroyed at least 15 buildings, including a number of houses. dave watched his house burn to the ground. >> i got here and the house burned. and i have another building there. and it all torched. >> reporter: four photographers who went to shoot the fire ended up saving a home by hosing it down. and steve chit endon isn't ready to give up either. >> we're planning to retire here and stay here the rest of our life, as long as god lets us keep the house. >> he said they have spent 40 years building their lives. the conditions of two other firefighters is unknown. firefighters say one civilian is hospitalized with burns. a man wanted for kidnapping a san diego teenager, after killing apparently her mother
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and possibly her younger brother. kai is in the newsroom with the search for james dimaggio. >> reporter: an amber alert has been extended from california to the pacific northwest, after a car, possibly belonging to dimaggio was spotted. police say the first spotting was in alturas, california on a remote highway. the second in lake view, oregon. police are on high alert, scattering the signs for dimaggio, 8-year-old ethan anderson and 16-year-old hannah. a friend said the 40-year-old had a crush on her and would date her if they were the same age. >> authorities found the body when they extinguished flames at the rural home. a child's body has also been found but has not yet been identified. a military judge resumes the fort hood shooting trial, despite demands the suspect's attorneys. they say major nidal hasan is deliberately seeking the death penalty. and they will not help him do
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that. the former army psychiatrist has chosen to represent himself but was given a team of attorneys for counsel. hassan admits he was the shooter in the attack that left 13 of his fellow shoulders dead f. convicted, he would face the death penalty. a new round shows that front end cars don't do well in collisions. only one model received the top ranking of "good" from the insurance institute of highway safety. >> reporter: the honda civic earned the top safety rating in a new kind of crash test. for the first time, they conducted what it calls small, overlap crash tests. to see how the front corner of small cars holds up during a collision. that area isn't always designed to absorb a crash's impact. david zuby of the insurance institute for highway safety says this type of collision causes 25% of serious injuries in frontal crashes. >> we still end up killing
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close to 9,000 people every year in frontal crashes. so this is one of the remaining problems. >> reporter: the dodge dart. ford focus, hyundai elant ra, and 2014 sion tc all receive acceptable ratings. but some popular models did not do well in the safety evaluation. the chevrolet sonic, volkswagen beetle, chevrolet cruise, nissan sentra, and kia forte, all received marginal or oops poor rate -- or poor rattings. -- ratings. >> all of the cars we tested today are all virtually safe cars bay the at the times we've -- tests we've done over years. >> reporter: marlie hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> the toyota corolla was not tested because a new version is coming out in the fall. the corolla is the number two selling small car in america. the national aquarium at
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the inner harbor is making history. today is the grand opening of the world's largest reproduction of the pacific coral reef, featuring some unique animals. wjz is live at the aquarium. jessica kartalija joins us once again with more on the amazing exhibit. jess? >> reporter: yeah. 700 different animals, to be exact, denise. it is really incredible. we went behind the scenes. this is months of a long, grueling process they had to get all of the coral made to look exactly like it does in the indo pacific region. then they have to put it in there. and then they have to get all of those animals acclimated and make sure they get along well. ♪ [ music ] >> as the crowd looks on, one by one, black-tipped sharks are welcomed to their new homes. in the narc aquarium's black- tip reef. for the past several months, 20 black-tip sharks have been livering at an off-site
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facility, preparing to move to the new exhibit. >> we have to make sure that they are comfortable, they acclimate well. and are doing great before we feed them to the public. >> they lengthy process that requires a lot of planning. >> you put bigger fish in, legalling up to the sharks. >> we put silicone rubber on this and make a mold. >> this is a complex ecosystem that looks just like the real pacific reefs. >> how similar is this to the national habitats? >> i would say if you look at a picture, you're going to say spot on. >> 3,000 different types of
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coral, to be exact. too it took two day -- three days to get the black-tipped sharks into their new home. a 13,000 square-foot tank, where visitors can get an incredible view of the world down under. gak back here at black tip reef. they've had many of the animals here for a year. they had to check them out. making sure those who were sick or injured needed to be quarantined and brought back to health. and again, they had to get them used to living together. quite a process. but so exciting because it has come together so beautifully. as i mentioned earlier, it was a little warm in here today, when they had all the crowds here for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. felt like a lot of that
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humidity outside. meteorologist tim williams is in the weather center. and bob turk has more. >> it is outside. we have tropical downpours popping up in spots. but another batch here. gaithersburg to d.c. moving off to the east. pretty move, looks like frederick, we'll see these showers in the next hour. may get to the baltimore region by about let's say 6 to 6:30. right now, 85. very moist. atmosfreer, 73 in oakland. and 78 ocean city. we're in the hurricane season. let's send it tout to meteorologist kim wals with an update on the new hurricane
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prediction -- predaikses. this has not been a blockbuster season so far. although we have had four named storms. most recent being durian. and that was about a week huge. as we were talking with, the storms -- update for the season has been updated by the national oceanic atmospheric association. saying it has been above normal but not quite as active as first predicted. right now, the expectation is that there will be 13 to 19 named storms. of those, 6 to 9 will be hurricanes. and of there's, 3 to five could be greater. we're talking about this picking up. we're in the throes of what is considered the heat of the season. talk being middle august to roughly middle october or so.
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as they heat up, we expect they will continue to stay active toward the end. of course, the hurricane season for the atlantic basin is through the 30th. jessica kartalija joins us with more on the black tip reef. back inside. jessica? >> reporter: i was willing you about the corals. check this out. this is literally how it feels off the withhold. for now, i want to send it inside to bristy brez lean traffic control. if you have rar brake lights. it starts at 895, going bast liberty road. northbound 95, a little busier
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this afternoon. delays continue up through the aberdeen region. as far as accidents go, elair road at south colgate. and also, north at west mayet. you can see, things have slowed down a bit on the beltway around 70. and another look there west of york road. this is brought to you by bge. 225 off. visit bge smart back to you. store an historic cemetery is using washington, d.c. to spruce up the property. check out these grazing goats. they are looking at this. the sem terry says it keeps
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from using harmful pesticides. >> i didn't know they ate poison ivy. i'm going to get some goats. >> i didn't know the poison first. straight ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 4:00. an update on a massive fire at an airport in kenya. -- kenya. one big baby. this little girl is setting records. we'll have her stor. and humid day out there. still cloudy. will things clear up? bob turk will have the first warning weather forecast when we come back. ,,,,
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international flights resume at the kenya airport, after a one-day fire. it destroyed part of the terminal yesterday. today, they are accusing first responders of looting a bank and artm inside the airport when they got to the scene. nearly a dozen aid workers in maryland are stranded there. they are expected to get
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flights back to maryland by the end of the weekend. for the third day in ray row there, reports on an american drone strike in yemen. yemeni officials say at least six suspected militants were killed today after the company destroyed a major plot. >> reporter: yemeni security officials say security forces are turn up the heat on al qaeda militants. after aborting a plot to strike gas and oil installations in the countryia's ports. there's even a shoot-to-kill order on anybody looking suspicious. the alleged plot appears similar to the january attack in algeria, when gunmen stormed a gas plant, killing more than 3 dozen foreign workers. the u.s. embassy in yemen has come under attack before by furious protestors after their release of an anti-islam fieldfilm. the country is also home to al qaeda and the arabian
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peninsula. one of the most aggressive branches in the terrorist group. that suspected plot may be the reason for stepped up u.s. drone strikes. says former fbi official bill mud. >> we've got defense in place around the embassies. but we've got to take out operatives if we want to destroy this long term. we might have done it in the past weeks. >> the embassy in yemen remains closed issue along with 18 other embassies and diplomatic posts in the middle east and africa. police searching for a weapon in the home of former nfl player aaron hernandez. the gun used to kill lloyd was in this bristol, connecticut lake. but the search came up empty. divers are expected to search for the murder weapon in a nearby body of water next week. a growing number of london cyclists are riding with a new accessory to catch drivers they say don't make room for them on
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the roads. as alphonso van marsh reports for wjz, tempers are flaring on both sides. >> reporter: greg carson rides his bike to work with a video camera strapped to his head. he says his bike cam video helped him win a cash settlement after a driver blamed him for this crash. >> they completely demonstrate they're lying through their teeth. >> reporter: there's been a surge of cycle cams on the streets. they say it tomorrow currentlies drivers and cyclists to follow the rules of the road. >> what these cameras can do is help give the cyclist a bit more clout. >> reporter: as prices for digital bike cameras go down, the quality of the footage on some of the cameras as we see here, is going up. and that's making more london cyclists use bike cams to win insurance claims claims and respect. >> louis d. diare uses six
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cameras for name and shame drivers. emphasis on shame. >> speeding? i'll let want you. >> reporter: but some claim cyclists are too aggressive. >> i'll give him as much room as he can. but they still cut me up and call names. >> reporter: they say as more videos like these get hit online, authorities are more likely to prosecute bad drivers. >> it's illegal. even in traffic. >> reporter: even if police don't bust them, cyclists like aaron will. >> signal, enemy, signal! >> i thought that myself from time to time. the london cycling campaign says 14 died in london streets last year. accidents across britain killed more than 100 other cyclists. in dinnuous, spain, a woman gives birth to a 13.6-pound baby girl. that gives the new record for the biggest baby girl born in their country. the mother said she knew she
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was having a big baby, but had no idea how big. baby marcia weighs twice as much as the average baby. she'll be going to the prom next week. and that mother should be going on vacation to a spa. something. whoo. fair weather today. sun and clouds south of the region. bobul will have the updated first warning weather forecast next. as we have been showing you all day. national aquarium reef exhibit reopens. ,,,,,,,,,, hñzuzu
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welcome back, everyone. i'm jessica kartalija. we'll have much more behind the scenes, coming up on wjz. but first, let's send it inside to bob. >> thank you. i'm sure it's comfortable inside there. a little humid. very tropical outside today. typically, the temperatures, 85 categories -- degrees with a dew point way up there at 71. humidity, 63%. north winds at 7 falling. 29.99 inches. we've had showers moving through the area. earlier this afternoon, they've all moved off. but there's another batch moving along the potomac river.
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howard county, somewhat in southwestern anne arundel county. and eventually frederick county. all of this moving off to the east and northeast. here to baltimore, looks like we might see some of this near columbia. and eventually, thinking we're probably getting to our area here. 6:30, 7:00. shower activity definitely on the way. some of these have heavy downpours as we saw last night. some areas really picked up a lot of rain. areas south of the city really didn't see much at all. 85 here, 85, 84 in d.c., and 78 in ocean city. and a cooler 76 in oaklan. locally -- oakland. locally, temperatures are in the mid to high 80s. right now, we have a north wind. but most areas seeing a southerly and sot southeasterly wind coming from the gulf of mexico. that will continue until a frontal boundary will happen. we think now, saturday afternoon. still a lot of scattered showers. we have a chance tonight of getting more rain activity.
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scattered stuff, yes. some areas will see not much. other areas will see heavy downpours. but the humidity will be with us through tomorrow. as this front approaches us, still more showers. but on saturday afternoon, looks like baltimore north will have a chance of getting some lower humidity air and some drying skies, thank goodness. southwest winds at 10 knots. small craft advisory on the bay tonight. showers and storms possible tonight. and a warm night. low of 72. could be some downpours again tonight and tomorrow. tomorrow's high, back up to 87. mixture of clouds and sun. and any of those storms tomorrow afternoon, could bring one or two inches of rain in an hour or two. so we could see some flooding in some areas. isolated, but it's possible tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. >> thanks, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. i'm derek valcourt at the baltimore county courthouse. where karla porter took the stand in her own defense to explain why she hired a hitman to murder her husband. that story coming up on
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coming up. in her own words. we hear from a woman on trial for hiring a hitman. >> one on one. why president obama is calling off his sit down with his russian counterpart. i'm jessica kartalija. it's the grand opening of the national black reef exhibit. we'll take you behind the scenes. check in for more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now.


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